mardi 22 juillet 2014

هذا الرجل 80 سنة كاملة لم يأكل

رجل 80 سنة كاملة لم يعرف طعم الاكل  

This Indian guy had been set up an interview with him in the newspaper Indian and had told them that he did not eat for a period of 74 years, can you believe that man had not been fed since the 70-year-old has published newspaper Allgram a statement stating that this man did not eat Mend 70 factor and the Ministry of Health decided to do Bmracath imprisoned for several months until you know that it's real or not, the natural person to Ayakl for 4 days and the maximum duration of 84 days was recorded, how can such a person to remain without food for 70 years

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