مجموعة من المعلومات حول اداب الاغتسال
You have gathered washing etiquette set forth in this paragraph out of our desire to spread awareness among the right people and stay away from the rumors and fads:
1 »» Naming God at take off clothes to wash, and mustahabb label, even for a side or menstruating without being mean to the Qur'an.
Anas said: The Messenger of Allah: Jackets between the eyes of the jinn and the sons of Adam's sins that says a Muslim man if he wants to put his clothes: In the name of God, who is no God but is narrated by Ibn al-Sunni.
2 »» Lester genitals, it is forbidden for a Muslim to take a bath in front of one of which is exposed genitals, and should not be disclosed genitals unnecessarily and that the modesty of God, and in honor of the angels peacekeepers writers, and attention to the nakedness of man to man, woman to woman, from the navel to the knee.
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