samedi 19 juillet 2014

سبب غضب ياسر عرفات في الصورة

هذا ما اوردته السلطات الفلسطينية حوم غضب ياسر عرفات في هذه الصورة 

فعلا موقف يستحق الثناء والاحترام .. في زمن قلة فيه مثل هذه الاخلاق العالية لرؤساء العالم 

Palestinian authorities released .... this exotic image of the late President Yasser Arafat, but ... Do you know what the reason for the anger of President Yasser Arafat in this picture?!! And why his commitment to women in this strange way??! After long years of his death ....

Women who appear in front of the Palestinian leader had been asking him to come help Malé If the annexes Profile expel him .. deceived argument between the president and the facilities! To the extent that women defended facilities lest his expulsion. "
Humanitarian situation is worthy of recognition and praise

1 commentaire:

  1. الله يرحم ويغفر للرئيس ياسر عرفات رحل ورحلة معه القضية الفلسطينية
