vendredi 25 juillet 2014

صور ممتعة لحيوانات في لقطات طريفة

صورة جميلة لحصان يحضن قطة

يبدو في هذه الصورة كأن هذه المخلوقات تستعد للتصوير

صور ممتعة لحيوانات في لقطات طريفة

سنجاب يستمتع بشرب مشروب بارد

سنجاب يستمتع بشرب مشروب بارد

أما هذه الصورة فهي ليست لطائر بتسعة أرجل, هذه الصورة هي لطائر يحضن صغاره

طائر يحضن صغاره

قرد يبدو عليه وكأنه يريد اللعب مع هذا الكلب

قرد يلعب مع كلب

قط يبدو عليه وكأنه استيقظ من النوم قبل قليل

صور ممتعة لحيوانات في لقطات طريفة

أما هذه الصورة الجميلة تعلمت منها درس, وهو أن لا نفشل فمن الممكن في آخر لحظة ننتصر وننجوا

صور ممتعة لحيوانات في لقطات طريفة

صورة لسنجاب يبدو عليه خائف من ذلك الديناصور الصغير

صور ممتعة لحيوانات في لقطات طريفة

 أما الآن فحان دورك أنت عزيزي القارئ لكي تعلق لنا على هذه الصورة في التعليقات .. سأنتظر تعليقك

قرد يلعب مع أمه

mardi 22 juillet 2014

اب له طفلين بالتبني يحول نفسه بهذا الشكل

اب له طفلين بالتبني يحول نفسه بهذا الشكل الغريب 
والمفزع جدا .. 
هو مغني مشهور بآسيا .

August has two adoptive children transforms itself in this strange form 
And very frightening .. 
Is a famous singer in Asia. 

Footmen is not mentioned nor is Female

بعد سلق البيض هناك طريقة لاعادتها نيئة

بعد سلق البيض هناك طريقة لاعادتها نيئة
 قد يتعجب البعض ولكن انها الحقيقة شاهد كيف

.... Do you know how we raw egg after bungle??? An amazing way to do it .... all the details .... the smart and the only Hatarat .... Do you know how we raw egg after bungle??? An amazing way to do it .... all the details ... This Is Hervey is the world of French cooking in molecular believes that cooking is the chemical processes leading to the results of appetite, and set itself the task of which is essential in life to unravel the mystery behind the scientific and cooking! 
Hervey is a television star and has achieved the best sales books around the world, has led to discoveries of great experiences in this field, for example, discovered how to work 24 liters of mayonnaise and one egg yolk! Imagine the size of the savings that will achieve production companies after detecting mayonnaise like that?! 
The recent experience which aroused controversy is that it re raw egg after bungle! He explains Hervey experience, saying: "When you cook the egg, the protein molecules which flattens and interconnected surrounded molecules of water, so if you want to restore the egg raw, you have to separate these molecules from each other, and doing so can be used as material sodium borohydride to become egg liquid again within 3 hours ! 
You can experience it at home using vinegar instead of sodium borohydride! 
The nice thing is that the experiences and discoveries Hervey be helpful in cooking daily, for example, if you put salt with boiled eggs or fried it matures in Mitsui, and that if you put the meat boiled in cold water will not happen difference between it and put it in boiling water, Valham lose then the same weight in both cases.

بعد كل هذه السنوات الافصاح عن الرجل الذي اخفى صدام حسين

بعد كل هذه السنوات الافصاح عن الرجل الذي اخفى صدام حسين داخل حفره

شاهد التفاصيل التي اعترف بها 

Did you know this young man this guy is Jassim Ramadan, which has reported a cache of Saddam Hussein for more than 10 years, which was released by the Book youngest spies the world is when he was 13 years old the allowance of U.S. forces appointed hiding place of President Saddam Hussein and finally time Dar after more than one 10-year-avenged him has been sentenced to imprisonment for 28 years 
Hatt-American Court judgment ruled it for 28 years because he has to drag American women older than 30 years to his apartment and gave her a narcotic substance which made them lose consciousness has rotation rape them he and his friends 
It is worth mentioning that Jassim was moved his residence to America to escape the popular Iraqi resistance that has discovered and ordered him to search him and went to his house and when he did not find the slaughter of his mother Kaakaba his crime by doing that and she covered up her son Ali......

الحكم على جاسم رمضان ب 28 سنة

 الحكم على جاسم رمضان ب 28 سنة باعتباره اصغر جاسوس عرفه العالم

Did you know this young man this guy is Jassim Ramadan, which has reported a cache of Saddam Hussein for more than 10 years, which was released by the Book youngest spies the world is when he was 13 years old the allowance of U.S. forces appointed hiding place of President Saddam Hussein and finally time Dar after more than one 10-year-avenged him has been sentenced to imprisonment for 28 years 
Hatt-American Court judgment ruled it for 28 years because he has to drag American women older than 30 years to his apartment and gave her a narcotic substance which made them lose consciousness has rotation rape them he and his friends 

It is worth mentioning that Jassim was moved his residence to America to escape the popular Iraqi resistance that has discovered and ordered him to search him and went to his house and when he did not find the slaughter of his mother Kaakaba his crime by doing that and she covered up her son Ali

هذا الرجل 80 سنة كاملة لم يأكل

رجل 80 سنة كاملة لم يعرف طعم الاكل  

This Indian guy had been set up an interview with him in the newspaper Indian and had told them that he did not eat for a period of 74 years, can you believe that man had not been fed since the 70-year-old has published newspaper Allgram a statement stating that this man did not eat Mend 70 factor and the Ministry of Health decided to do Bmracath imprisoned for several months until you know that it's real or not, the natural person to Ayakl for 4 days and the maximum duration of 84 days was recorded, how can such a person to remain without food for 70 years

lundi 21 juillet 2014

حية في بطنها 70 ثعبان

 حية في بطنها 70 ثعبان والسؤال المطروح هو: كيف حصل ذلك .. قصة حقيقية وقعت سلطنه عمان

Snake in the stomach more than 70 snake: 
More than 70 snake inside his stomach 
, God only knows, whether they are children or the last meal ingested 
If the last meal, they sinned able means to kill him because he protects them from other snakes 
But it's certainly a sign of God 
That we show her around us and in ourselves, Glory to God and praise

قرر ان يقتل والدته وهي تصلي فكانت المفاجئة

بينما كانت تصلي حاول ان يقطع راسها فكانت المفاجئة 

سبحانك يااارب

This person, who was half his age with his mother, of the population of Indonesia has decided to kill her for no reason ml of them and allegedly already in a day 
Sajida, a few days he prayed and slaughtered Ba Kvenha the knife and told people she died I want to Tdvinoha Vhmloha people 
After the prayers and to the grave that they wanted Enzloha increased their weight despite the fact that the body was mild surprise happened here and applicable to the grave did not keep good Alarash extraterrestrial Haulo Directed by 

This boy, but without interest under on this case, but no benefit under Hakma for two days and went out of his body Macon of worms in and out of it, but the part that stayed days and then died, and this is the reward in the world and will go to the Lord in the Hereafter Faihasp account difficult this boy ingrate to his family Luba self Alodth which Sah God and said to him in his great book that does not at least have FM even Asaha and has to kill her, what was his punishment to torment and death in this world and in the other what his punishment, but the fire to abide therein we must learn a lesson from what happened to this young man Fa Atqo God nor Tasoh that what are the minimum and the afterlife, but Alazra harvest Atqo O God Olu vision -...

dimanche 20 juillet 2014

من اكبر الفضائح في العالم شركة تصنع كائنات حية تسمى " جان باتس " !!!!

من اكبر الفضائح في العالم شركة تصنع كائنات حية تسمى

" جان باتس " !!!!

Of the biggest scandals in the world company that makes organisms called 
"Jean Bates!"!! 
And who will descend on the market soon!!! 
First Matfath caddy Sttfaji because the creature will move 
And wake up for 20 minutes!!!!

مات ولم يفرح بمنصب الرئيس

مات ولم يفرح بمنصبه كرئيس لدولة البرازيل .. شاهد التفاصيل:

Tancredo Neves (President of Brazil) said during his campaign (if you got 500,000 voice ... Even God can not Azaana) has got the votes and disease ... but before his inauguration and died later

السعودية تحرم مواطينها من السفر الى تايلندا

السعودية تحرم مواطينها من السفر الى تايلندا والسبب غريب جدا

Directorate General of Passports warned citizens not to travel to Thailand, Colonel Salman natured director of travel in Saudi passports to citizens departing to visit Thailand punished by deprivation of travel for three years, and a fine of $ (10) thousand riyals. He said every person who traveled to Thailand and found a stamp for traveling to these countries will apply the right systems, as it deems committees formed. The reason for the dispute is a very old jewelry theft incident and the death of Saudi businessmen in 1989, where the server Thai stealing jewelry Saudi prince. And also killed a Thai policeman to a Saudi businessman.

اسماعيل ياسين والنكتة التي ادخلته مستشفى الامراض العقليه

اسماعيل ياسين والنكتة التي ادخلته مستشفى الامراض العقليه

اوربا فرحة فرحا شديدا عند وفاة هذا الرجل

مات اوروبا سرورا وبهجة عند وفاة هذا الرجل

This is the man that you see when he died happy with his death the whole of Europe! They sat on his grave dancing and taking liquor, said one of them to the other.: - (God, if breathing the owner of this tomb, what to leave us one alive nor settled our decision)!! .. It is not Saladin as TeX ... Wilt, but a great personality other unknown to many people! Have you heard about it!! History is talking about and I am not the leader when he died eyebrow Mansour joy the news of his death all the countries of Europe and the Franks .. Until the commander Alfonso to his grave and monument at his grave and a large tent where a bed of gold over the tomb eyebrow Mansour ..

اطفاء الانوار والمصابيح ضرورة عند النوم

اطفاء الانوار والمصابيح ضرورة  عند النوم

Extinguish the lights at night after evening prayers and the subsequent banal and prayers ... for eternity to sleep is very important for the safety of human health and to be a function pineal gland intact because the activity is in the dark, a pious man of cancer and has proven knowledge of this fact and this is advised that turn off the lights at night when going to sleep to maintain the integrity of the body of malignant tumors ... and God knows

عندما نقوم بنزع ملابسنا هل يشاهد الشيطان اجسامنا

مجموعة من المعلومات حول اداب الاغتسال

You have gathered washing etiquette set forth in this paragraph out of our desire to spread awareness among the right people and stay away from the rumors and fads: 
1 »» Naming God at take off clothes to wash, and mustahabb label, even for a side or menstruating without being mean to the Qur'an. 
Anas said: The Messenger of Allah: Jackets between the eyes of the jinn and the sons of Adam's sins that says a Muslim man if he wants to put his clothes: In the name of God, who is no God but is narrated by Ibn al-Sunni. 
2 »» Lester genitals, it is forbidden for a Muslim to take a bath in front of one of which is exposed genitals, and should not be disclosed genitals unnecessarily and that the modesty of God, and in honor of the angels peacekeepers writers, and attention to the nakedness of man to man, woman to woman, from the navel to the knee.

صورة نادرة لكاظم الساهر رفقة زوجته

صورة نادرة لكاظم الساهر رفقة زوجته

جورج وسوف و زوجة بشار الأسد

ستستغربون إذا عرفتم ماذا فعلت اسماء الأسد !

Great artist George will the patient and his health is stable 
Asma shook his hand and bowed in front of the literature in order to prevent him from standing because of his health 
Every man is a man shaking hands with Halo uncle sick of literature that prevented him from standing and no less esteem than if I bent to shake his hand

تم اعدامه بحضور والدته

هذا خائن فلسطين وقد تم اعدامه بحضور والدته شاهد ماذا فعلت به

Photos execution of a traitor in Palestine, but that happened after the death is very, very strange!!! 
Amazing surprise ... and God's attitude is incredible!!!