خلال الحرب العالمية الثانية تفاجئ هتلر بأن هناك 3 ضباط خالفوا أوامره ، فقرر معاقبتهم بطريقة غريبة ، فقر ان يضع كل ضابط في سجن لوحده وفي كل سجن وضع موسيقى كلاسيكية وقيدهم وجعل امامهم ماسورة مياه تنقط ببطئ ثم قال لهم ان في كل سجن هناك تسرب لغاز سام ..
In World War II, Hitler's surprise that there are 3 officers violated his orders, he decided to punish them in a strange way, where the status of each officer in the jail alone and in every prison setting classical music and enrolled in front of them and make pipe water to drip slowly. He told them that in every prison there is a leak of poisonous gas ... See More in World War II surprise Hitler that there are 3 officers violated his orders, he decided to punish them in a strange way, where the status of each officer in the jail alone and in every prison in the development of classical music and their enrollment and to make in front of them pipe water to drip slowly. He told them that in every prison there is a leak of toxic gas will kill them within 6 hours, and after 4 hours only went to inspect the officers found the two of them had died and the third suffered convulsions and death throes, and sudden that the issue of the gas was a "hoax and a psychological war," to make their minds are of the kill . Where it turns out that the idea of deadly gas made their bodies secrete hormones adversely affect the heart and organs of the body, and the body begins Bamath. This is exactly what the media is doing us a day, he broadcast his killer ideas to our minds and we are killing ourselves and our communities. Examples of these ideas devastating: # Arabs retarded # Israel has the most powerful army in the world # we need hundreds of years to catch up with the West # Western civilization is example # Arab youth steeped corruption # We can not inventing anything # Sunni and Shiite enemies # Islamic nation Michtaath and missed this some ideas, and we in turn convince ourselves is really going on and we begin to kill ourselves because we we consider these ideas and realistic