مواضيع مهمة

بالصوت والصورة

قسم الغرائب

مكتبة الصور

dimanche 20 juillet 2014

السعودية تحرم مواطينها من السفر الى تايلندا

السعودية تحرم مواطينها من السفر الى تايلندا والسبب غريب جدا

Directorate General of Passports warned citizens not to travel to Thailand, Colonel Salman natured director of travel in Saudi passports to citizens departing to visit Thailand punished by deprivation of travel for three years, and a fine of $ (10) thousand riyals. He said every person who traveled to Thailand and found a stamp for traveling to these countries will apply the right systems, as it deems committees formed. The reason for the dispute is a very old jewelry theft incident and the death of Saudi businessmen in 1989, where the server Thai stealing jewelry Saudi prince. And also killed a Thai policeman to a Saudi businessman.
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