مواضيع مهمة

بالصوت والصورة

قسم الغرائب

مكتبة الصور

vendredi 18 juillet 2014

ترتيب جيش العسكر المغربي

تعرف على  ترتيب جيش العسكر المغربي من بين جيوش العالم 

In a recent report issued by the website "Global Fire Power" American specialist in military affairs, the report Moroccan army in fifth place sixty globally, and the seventh Arab world, in Ranked Annual strongest armies global "LG FBI" for 2013. Adopted a report on the 40 workers is different to determine strength index of a country which include manpower available, the financial resources, this next statistics Ktaadad members of the military budget of the Ministry of Defence the number of aircraft. The Egyptian army and thirteenth globally and the first Arab followed by the Saudi army and the Syrian army and followed by the Algerian army Valamaratne then Yemen has occupied the U.S. Army ranked first in the world retains Besdarth, and replaced Russia in second place, and China ranked third, and India in fourth place and England in fifth place, France finished sixth, and seventh place in Germany, and Turkey in eighth place and South Korea in the ninth, and tenth place in Japan and was "Israel" in the center atheist ten
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